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Friday, August 13, 2010

Do You Have Books to Donate?

I am looking for midwifery books, pregnancy books, text books related: to the human body, well-woman care, gynecology, anatomy, etc. along with books on breastfeeding, raising children, immunizations,  or other related topics including health care in the third world. If you have any books of this nature, and would like to donate them to the Isaiah Project, then we can give you a tax donation letter for your end of the year returns.

Monday, August 9, 2010

501(c) 3 and Inspiration

Today we (The Isaiah Project) received our 501(c) 3 status. This means we are tax exempt. We have been a non-profit with the state of Indiana for a little over 2 years now, but now...NOW we are recognized nationally. Also, we can give the much desired tax credit to any and all who choose to give to our cause. This mean too, that we can now apply for grants.

I am so excited!
I feel: inspired, regenerated, challenged, determined, and ready!!

Ready to move out of the way and let God lead for once. (Instead of running ahead of Him, as I so often do!)
Ready to listen.
Ready to wait!!

Ready to obey!
Ready to create.
Ready to make a difference.
Ready to bring HIM GLORY!!!

I have lots of ideas for new pieces of art!! Now, just to get them done and loaded up here for you to see (and buy)! Stick with me....I know we are going places now!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010



Roses in Vase- SOLD

Little Yellow Butterfly- SOLD

Partridge in a Pear Tree- SOLD

Tulips and Daffodils- SOLD

I need to get to work!! My inventory is all but gone!! Not a bad problem to have...