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Monday, November 15, 2010

Birth Center

Birth Center

Derek and I have our house for sale. We have had it for sale for over a year now. We felt we were to go to Kansas City, MO as the next step in our journey, and we still walk that way, but in the meantime we wait. I have often thought, and dreamed of this house becoming a birth center. There are no birth center options anywhere in this area. I would love to see it as part of our mission to serve women here in the States, as well as use it as a training facility for those whose long term plan is to serve women in other countries as missionary midwives. I never thought I would start a birth center, but since our house has not sold, I am beginning to explore my options and look into how to become a licensed center here in Indiana. Of course, I would rather just sell the house and move to Missouri, but perhaps the Lord is doing more here than I myself had vision for.